That Time When A Young Tami Roman Let Cameras Follow Her Around As She Tested The Dating Scene, Pursued A Music Career, And Got An Abortion

Before Tami Roman became known for her humorous skits on her self-produced Bonnet Chronicles and epic confrontations on VH1’s Basketball Wives, the aspiring rapper and model was a cast member of the 1993 MTV reality series The Real World: Los Angeles.

In a “Best of Tami” clip, the spirited 22-year-old beauty went by the name Tami Akbar and worked for a HIV healthcare facility. She also appeared on the dating show Studs, a similar game show to the infamous 1990’s staple Love Connection.

Roman was among the first to have cameras follow her as she told the cast, and the world, that she was pregnant and would be opting for abortion, a moment she shared with her mother while MTV cameras followed.

Unbeknownst to modern-day fans of the reality star, Roman was also a part of a pop singing quartet as a rapper, which explains her influence on her daughters who also picked up the craft years later.

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About The MouthSoap Staff 2164 Articles
Betty Bema is the creator of The MouthSoap and Pabulum Entertainment. She produces digital shows Thinking Out Loud and TV, Film & Foolishness, while also managing editorials for