Is Facial Mask Enforcement From Our Fellow Peers Getting Out Of Hand And Bordering On Bullying?

Since the pandemic hit the U.S. and government officials have made it known that facial mask coverings can reduce the spread of COVID-19, several online videos have surfaced showing a defiant group of people objecting to the unofficial law.

The issue of wearing a mask has now become a political one with Donald Trump refuting the benefits of the facial covering in an effort to expedite the opening of the economy. Now, American citizens are using “the mask” as a way to pledge their allegiance to a political party or rebel against a controlling government system.

Video after video shows people proclaiming a potential dictatorship if they comply with small orders, such as wearing a mask or staying inside their homes. Some people even feel like the whole ordeal is a fearmongering conspiracy to enforce martial law, trample freedom of speech, invite intrusive government surveillance and brainwash society.

At first, these ideologies seem outlandish, at best. However, now that the average neighbor, small business owner or even a wandering customer are taking steps to ensure that their fellow peers are abiding by the unofficial law of wearing a mask, it’s getting out of hand.

In a video of an unmasked man shopping for food, a store employee is seen following the man throughout the grocery store, stopping his cart, and demanding that he put on his mask or leave.

At first sight, people who know that COVID-19 is not a joke and may have been personally impacted by it would applaud this employee for taking steps to ensure that customers wear their masks. However, a little bit more critical thinking and it becomes apparent that the employee is not concerned with her or his safety or health, but she’s simply getting off on controlling another human being.

For one, as contagious as COVID-19 is, it seems that it would be commonsense to not put yourself in danger of getting the virus by directly standing in front of people who don’t wear masks, nonetheless take a half hour breaking unofficial social distance laws to antagonize the unmasked, furthermore exposing yourself. Calling someone names and physically harassing them, especially while your own mask is not properly cleaned or placed on your face, is overboard!

Has anyone ever wondered why you have to wear a mask in a restaurant, but then you can take the mask off to eat in the very same restaurant? It doesn’t make sense.

What’s more bothersome is the behavior of those who get a kick out of being real life hall monitors and prodding people for their choices and sometimes, stupidity. This is America, right. So, where do we draw the line when it comes to allowing people to bully others? Is it fair to say that these perceived bullies are not afraid of the virus, but they are so robotic in thinking that they are just doing what they’re told to do?

It’s dangerous territory for a society to give over their critical thinking skills and analytical insights to people in leadership positions telling us fibs. It’s complacent, lazy and the very exact reason why Trump is in office, racism still exists and the morale of society is breaking down in front of our very eyes.

Some would call this a conservative view, but if the thought of an American taking care of their errands in peace without the potential threat of some non-authoritative individual shaming the unmasked person to the point of harassment and discrimination is something that’s conservative, then so be it.

If the unmasked person is not treated as if they are contagious, then what’s the point of doing all that embarrassing recording worthy theatrics over what some confused politician said in the last five minutes?

The world would be a better place if respect, human decency and competence were qualities we enforced in the heat of the moment when an unmasked person presents themselves to the public.

Besides, we can’t blame the spiking coronavirus cases on the one umasked man shopping at Ralph’s. But, what about all the people who decided that 2020 would be the year of swimming pool and mansion parties or the year that they take a vacation to the beaches or book a commercial flight?

So, some government officials made it unclear how serious COVID-19 was, but did you do your due diligence to research and find out facts on your own? Are do you just tune in to CNN or Fox and go by the ever-changing suggestions made from people who clearly have their own agendas at hand?

Again, it’s a question worth asking. Is the enforcement of facial coverings by regular citizens getting out of control?

About The MouthSoap Staff 2164 Articles
Betty Bema is the creator of The MouthSoap and Pabulum Entertainment. She produces digital shows Thinking Out Loud and TV, Film & Foolishness, while also managing editorials for